DIY: Reviving Your Cordless Tool Battery Pack

Step-by-Step Replacement Guide 

 - Ensure you have the correct replacement cells for your battery pack

- Gather necessary tools: safety goggles, gloves, screwdriver, soldering iron, multimeter

- Carefully disassemble the battery pack using appropriate tools

- Note the original cell arrangement and connections

- Use the multimeter to identify the bad cells

- Desolder/disconnect the bad cells and replace them with the new ones, ensuring correct polarity

- Reassemble the battery pack, taking care to reconnect the cells properly

- Test the battery pack to ensure it's functioning correctly before using it in your cordless tool

2-Pack 20V 6.0Ah 

Don’t want to replace but want to revive the batteries?

Reviving a completely dead 3.7 volt flat top battery can be challenging, and there is a risk that the cell may not come back to full functionality. However, some users have had success with trickle charging using a low-voltage charger set to around 3.9 to 4.2 volts for a short period to attempt to revive the cell. 

- It's important to monitor the process closely and discontinue charging if there are any signs of overheating or other safety concerns.

Here is a Simple to use Smart Charger for rechargeable Ni-MH, Lithium, and Ni-CD batteries. 
Simple to use Smart Charger for Rechargeable Lithium, Ni-MH, and Ni-CD batteries! Universal Battery Charger to revive dead batteries 
Recharging flat top 3.7 volt batteriesMultimeter

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