Dolly Parton: More Than Just Rhinestones

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A beautiful celebration of Dolly Parton’s iconic sense of style through entertaining personal stories and 450 full-color photographs, including exclusive images from her private costume archive
    Y'all, let's talk about the one and only Dolly Rebecca Parton, the queen of country music. She's not just a country music icon with big hair and even bigger talent. Nope, she's also a best-selling author with some real wisdom to share. She is a force to be reckoned with. Not only does she possess the voice  that can make angels weep and a personality as sparkling as her sequined gowns, but also she has a heart of pure gold. Her latest book, Behind the Seams, is just the latest gem in her literary crown. And let me tell you, it's as sparkly as her legendary stage costumes. 

    Now, Dolly's no stranger to the written word. She's got another book, too, all about how it's hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world. And let's be real, she would know. She's been shining bright like a diamond in the music industry for decades, and she's never lost her sparkle.

    But here's the thing about Dolly: she's more than just glitz and glamour. She's got some real wisdom to share, and her quotes are pure gold. Take this one, for example: 

"The way I see it, 
if you want the rainbow, 
you gotta put up with the rain." 

    Ain't that the truth? Dolly knows that life ain't always sunshine and rainbows, but she also knows that it's worth weathering the storm to see the beauty on the other side. And here's another gem from Dolly:

"Find out who you are 
and do it on purpose."

    Now, that's some real talk right there. Dolly knows that being true to yourself is the key to living a happy and fulfilling life. And let's be honest, she's living proof that staying true to who you are can lead to some serious success.

    Let's talk about Dolly's iconic style. I mean, have you ever seen someone rock big hair and rhinestones with as much flair as Dolly? She's like a walking disco ball, and we love her for it. But don't be fooled by the glitz and glamour—Dolly's got more layers than a southern biscuit!

    Her wit and wisdom are as legendary as her music. Dolly once said, "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap." Oh, the shade, the humor! She knows how to poke fun at herself while also making a serious point about the value of authenticity. 

    Speaking of authenticity, Dolly is the epitome of staying true to oneself. She's unapologetically Dolly, and we wouldn't have it any other way. In a world where everyone seems to be striving for perfection, Dolly reminds us that it's okay to embrace our quirks and imperfections. After all, it's the cracks that let the light in, right?

    But let's not forget that Dolly's got some lesser-known facts up her sleeve, too. For example, did you know that she's actually a bookworm? That's right, folks.  When she's not busy writing chart-topping hits or dazzling audiences with her performances, she's curled up with a good book. I like to imagine her reading in bed with her hair piled high on a mountain of pillows, surrounded by glitzy lamps and fluffy pink throws. And she's not just a reader—she's a writer, too. In fact, she's been known to pen a few songs here and there. You might have heard of a little ditty called "I Will Always Love You." Yeah, that was all Dolly. Can you imagine having that kind of talent? She's like a magical songwriting unicorn sprinkling musical fairy dust everywhere she goes.

    And let's not overlook her witty song titles. I mean, "Dumb Blonde" and "Why'd You Come in Here Lookin' Like That" are pure gold. Only Dolly can turn the stereotype of a "dumb blonde" on its head and make us all want to strut into a bar looking fabulous just to ask that burning question.

Oh, and did you hear about the time Dolly entered a Dolly Parton look-alike contest... and lost? Yep, that really happened. But leave it to Dolly to laugh it off and say, "I just knew I was going to win." Now that's confidence!

    Oh, and here's another fun fact: Dolly is a big-time philanthropist. She's all about giving back and making the world a better place. Her Imagination Library has provided over 150 million free books to children around the world. That's right, Dolly is not just singing about a coat of many colors—she's making sure every child has the opportunity to create their own colorful story through the magic of reading. She knows that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future, and she's doing her part to make sure every child has access to books.

    In addition to her musical and literary talents, Dolly is also a savvy businesswoman. She owns her own theme park, Dollywood, which is basically the happiest place on earth for country music fans. It's like Disneyland with a twang and a whole lot of rhinestones.

    And let's talk about her timeless beauty. Dolly has openly admitted to her love for cosmetic surgery, famously saying, "If I see something saggin', baggin', or draggin', I'm gonna have it nipped, tucked, or sucked." Who else could make plastic surgery sound so matter-of-fact and hilarious?

    But perhaps one of the most endearing things about Dolly is her ability to laugh at herself. She once said, "I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde." Classic Dolly—turning stereotypes on their heads with grace and humor.

    So there you have it, folks. Dolly Parton is so much more than just a county music icon—she's a national treasure. She's a wise woman with a heart of gold and a talent that just won't quit. Whether she's belting out a hit song or penning an inspiring book, Dolly is always shining bright. And for that, we'll always love her.  Dolly continues to captivate us with her talent and authenticity. So here's to you, Dolly—may your rhinestones always sparkle, your hair always be big, and your heart always be as golden as your voice!

Book by Dolly For more than five decades, Dolly has been laying down her own brand of whip-smart wit and wisdom to the world, with many quotes and quips becoming as famous as her lyrical genius, for which she has won too many song writing awards and honors to mention. Stacked to the rafters with more than 150 bite-size bon-mots, one-liners and ripostes – as well profound and sincere observations – The Little Book of Dolly Parton is your new favorite life companion. Help your little one dream big with a Little Golden Book biography all about beloved entertainer Dolly Parton! The perfect introduction to nonfiction for young readers! Dolly Parton lends the lyrics of her classic song "Coat of Many Colors" to this heartfelt picture book for young readers. Fragrance for Women: Dolly Parton women's perfume spray comes in an elegant & iconic pink perfume bottle that can fit in a purse or bag, making it ideal for travelPerfume by Dolly Parton Bottle is a butterfly clear and blueIt's a Coconut Cake by Duncan Hines featuring Dolly PartonChocolate Buttercream Icing by Duncan Hines Featuring Dolly PartonDolly Parton Dog outfit Vintage stylePink Doggy Bowl, Cat Bowl, small, large, x-LargeDolly Parton Kitchen Dish Towel   Funny shirt to respond to Dolly Parton Jolene song

#DollyParton #SmokeyMountainChristmas #DollyWood #CountryMusicQueen #Tennessee

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